Dumostar是一種新型高科技合金,它有著優于不銹鋼的超強抗腐蝕性能,無磁,Dumostar鑷頭不易疲勞,始終保持優良的彈性。其中部分型號的鑷子有拋光型和褪光型可選。此合金制造的鑷子特性如下:抗疲勞,彈性系數210000MPA;硬度測試:720維氏硬度/61洛氏硬度;高溫可達550℃;抗腐蝕。 Inox 08 is a medical stainless steel composed of C, Mn, Cr, Mo and V that provides an excellent resistance to corrosion and a good resistance to salt. Although not as hard as Carbon steels, Inox 08 offers excellent resistance to corrosion. This magnetic alloy supports temperatures of around 400°C (DIN 50914) and is suitable for autoclave sterilization at 180°C
Inox 02 is a standard magnetic stainless steel composed of C, Mn, Cr and Si. This alloy is not as hard as carbon steels because it contains Chromium. lnox 02 will resist temperatures of around 400°C (DIN 50 914), but cannot be sterilized